As we begin to think of what 2021 will look like.

If you would have asked me a year ago what my 2020 was going to look like, you would have heard my excitement about the year I was getting ready to embark on.
For me 2020 was “the big year”, the year of travel, the year of discovery, the year that I would finally become an adult. 2020 is the year that I turned 50.
The year began just as I had hoped it would. Ed and I found a house that we loved in January and moved in on February 7th and began our new life together. Little did I know that in less than a month our new house would become my prison, my sanctuary, my sanity, and my own paradise, courtesy of amazon prime delivery and Walmart pickup.
I am not saying it was all bad, but I am not saying it was a pleasurable journey either. What I am saying is that my year was completely turned upside down just as the entire worlds was.

Just like y’all, I had time on my hands and needed something to fill my mind besides the news. This is when I found this online crafting world. It was a world that I never imagined, it was a world where I belonged. I have been a crafter, designer, and a creator my entire life. I always knew it was my calling. Of course life gets in the way of our dreams sometimes, but our dreams never leave our hearts. 

I sat and watched for several months from March until June. Everyday I realized more and more that I needed to join this world, I need to follow my dreams. I turned 50 in June and spent a week camping by myself deciding what I wanted to be when I grew up. 

It was exactly a month later on July 29th that I went live. I told myself it was now or never. I was my time to follow that dream and find that passion again. I jumped in with both feet and my whole self. I have not looked back and being here with you all is the absolutely only place I want to be. I have found my happy place. 

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