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Get To Know Me

Hi there! My name is Tracie Mae, and I am also Dandelion Pickin. I am a mother to 2 boys, 29 and 27. I have a wonderful fiancé Edwin. I have 2 sweet rat terrier puppies…. Miss Maya and Elou. Oh yes the step kitties too… Bella and Neila.

I have always been a decorator, designer, and diy crafter. We never had a lot of money growing up, so I learned how to repurpose and reuse the things I had. I don’t think a beautiful home needs to cost a lot of money if you have a lot of love and sweat equity.

I enjoy taking what someone else sees as garbage or junk and turning it into a treasure that someone will love for years to come. 

Come on the journey with me to make a home that you love to be in, crafts that you can decorate with, or sell at your local market. Let’s have some fun.
