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Let’s make sure this Shabby Chippy Pink Dresser never changes

If you know anything about me then you know I can never pass up anything pink. You include shabby, chippy, and useful and all I can say is “put a bow on it, I’ll take it”. My friend had found this vintage (old) dresser and planned to redo it, luckily for me she didn’t have time. $5 dollars and it was mine.

Here is what I used:

  • School glue (Elmer’s)
  • Paint brush
  • Paint (if you need to paint inside or touch up)
  • Polyurethan
  • Handles
  • A old shabby falling apart dresser (or whatever you want to keep shabby)

Now while she had planned to sand this down and repaint it, I thought it was perfect just the way it was. Well of course after I could get rid of the ding and cobwebs. I also wanted to make sure my “chippy” didn’t end up all over my floor. I will show you how I keep the paint from chipping off anymore, but keeping that vintage look.

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There was so much dirt and grim on the dresser that I was afraid all my pink would be washed off if I tried to clean it. I filled a bucket with warm soapy water and washed as gently as possible on the painted surfaces. The unpainted areas though I got the hose and a stiff brush and scrubbed that dirt out. The inside of the drawers were the worst and I scrubbed and scrubbed those clean.

Now understand that I would only use a hose in the heat of summer. This way I know the sun will truly dry my wood out. I try to save these types of projects for the summer, or I use the fireplace to dry everything. You can see in the first picture below how clean I got the inside using the hose and brush. If your furniture has any type of smell or stains, this would be a good time to paint the inside with Kilz. I have had to do this to get rid of smoke smells. I used some extra gray paint I had just to clean up the inside of the drawers. I mean I am going to put things in them and ewwww they were gross.

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I mixed regular school glue with a little bit of water. You want it to still be thick, like good ranch dressing, but diluted enough to go in between all the cracks and crevices. You can see here how I make sure the glue gets behind all the chippy paint areas. What this does is secures the peeling paint so that it doesn’t continue to chip off.

I did this on the entire dresser to make sure I didn’t loose anymore of that precious pink paint. Once the glue was dry, I used water based polyurethan to seal everything and make it water resistant. So, this is the “almost” finished project. I wanted to live with this for a minute so I could decide what kind of handles I thought I needed. 

Can I be honest? I have lived with this for almost 6 months and am tired of wiggling the drawers to get them open. Come on you know you have done it too.

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Dresser DIY Project